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The Ministry of drama and arts brings a new dimension to services with special presentations of acting, drama, choreography, and special announcements. Anyone with talent in acting can be part of this growing ministry.


More information with Jairo & Digna Galindo. 




If you want to be part of one or several of our church ministries to join those who are fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission, Click on the button below so you can start your registration process.

Domingos 1:00 PM Servicio de Alabanza y Adoración
(Traducción Simultánea al Inglés)
Martes 7:00 PM Servicio de Adoración y Estudio Biblico 

@Todos derechos del autor son reservados ninguna parte de esta historia puede ser usado sin permiso escrito. 

Sundays 1:00 PM Worship Service
(Simultaneous translation  available)
Tuesday 7:00 PM Worship and Bible Study 

@ All copyrights are reserved. No part of this story can be used
without written permission.  

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